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Release Note

Hi, Thanks for using this Norton Guide.  There are a few things I wish
to make clear,  This guide is FREE and no charge should be made for it
,if you were charged for it please  let me know!   Since this  is free
there is a similar warranty 'NIL'.

I have spent many hours getting this  guide to  the state it is now in
and would apperciate any comments, critisism or suggestions.

This version of RANG,   sees the first inclusion of  the 'HELP INDEX'.
This  is a index of common problems,   soloutions and  examples.   The
Index  is very  young at  this stage  and hopefully will expand into a
large comprehensive guide.   All material from this guide is '(c) Mark
Anderson',  unless otherwize stated,  therefore may only be reproduced
under the following conditions  :-

    *  It is given at NO cost.

    *  It contains the header;

         " Extract for RANG_100, (c) Mark Anderson [2:259/11] "

I would also like to thank the following people for there great help,
without which this guide would not have been produced.

James Berry  (for his great utils, and suggestions)
S/e/m/a/j          +44 303 862412 HST       [2:440/16]

Stuart Henderson  (for his fantastic Mailer Docs & S/e/m/a/j credits screens)
dataMatrix!        +44 392 434477 HST DS    [2:440/21]

Barry Phillips  (for his help  looking for those nasty  mistakes)
Compass!           +44 695 571117 HST DS    [2:440/66]

John Barton  (for various entries in the Help Index)
RAccess HQ Europe  +44 708 670068 HST       [2:257/168]

Philip Ritchie (for nasty zapping)
Blue Label         +44 358 43507  HST       [2:259/22]

And of course:

Andrew Milner (for the greatest BBS Software -= RA v1.00 =-)
RAccess HQ West    +61 9 389 8048           [3:690/625]

This version of 'RANG' was released on '5th March 1991' at '00:00', it
consists of '407,660 bytes'.  This is the date,  time  and size of the
'NG' file.   If it isn't, it has been tamperd with.   Please inform me
of this,  stating where you obtained the file!

Thanks for reading,  and I hope you like it.

This program,  is POSTCARD-WARE,  in  other words  if you  like it and
intend to keep it,   then to register you must send me a postcard with
your home city on it <grin>.  Any other suggestion or donations please
send to :-

Mark Anderson
9 Beechwood Ave


Netmail to 2:259/11 or 2:259/100  [ +44 224 693713 HST DS ]                           .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson